Category Archives: East River

Bill, Hill, Phil, Lil and Irene

This summer, on my way to the pool, I adopted a family of cormorants.

At first it was Bill, who seemed to pose for me every time I got my camera ready – they really need to dry their wings after diving.

Hill came next

and the rest of the family

their babies Phil and Lil. I was very worried for their safety during the hurricane so when it ended I ran by the river to see. The water was high, nothing for them to perch on, but Bill was busy diving. So busy in fact, I couldn’t take a close-up

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Filed under East River, New York, summer

On my way to the pool in the morning

Every morning I take the scenic route

by the edge of East River. I get to see things like this

and as the season advances
actual sunrises
But I also became good friends with my cormorants
This is Bill who arrives first to dance for me
Hill, Phil and Lil eventually follow

And I wuz there!
Took this myself)

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Filed under East River, New York, summer